Book Review: Death on Hold by Burton Folsom and Anita Folsom


The story starts back in October 1959 when Mitchell Rutledge was born to a teenage single mother. His childhood and teenage years were rough, he chose street life over school and education, so it’s no surprise that he ended up making one bad choice after another. It was December 23, 1980 when his life turned around and it all started with pot, alcohol and street friends. Mitchell committed a serious crime which led to him ending up on death row. What happened next left me speechless. Every cloud has a silver lining is what I could say about Mitchell Rutledge’s life.

I read this book in almost one sitting. I was fascinated by Mitchell’s life, his choices and of course the outcome of his crimes and living style. This book made me sad and heartbroken, but somehow Mitchell’s life story touched me to look differently at my own life.

This is a must red for anyone who needs some shining stars in the dark night or just a gentle reminder that your life is meaningful and something good is just around the corner.

“My life had purpose, and I wanted to continue to live and make a difference in the world” – I could not have said it better.


This book will be available for purchase on AmazonUk on September 10, 2015.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.