My 2016 #Bookishresolutions

Hi everyone! Ready for 2016?



I’m going to be participating in the 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge by Laura @trips down imagination road and Michelle @ Because Reading.


  • You can sign up HERE anytime between December 1st to March 1st, the challenge starts January 1st and ends December 31st.
  • You must pick up at least 2 Main goals form Blogging, Reading and Personal, and each main goal must have at least 1sub-goal. See the original post for examples.
  • Write a sign-up post and add to ‘Add Your Link‘ on theoriginal post before 1st March.
  • Each month on the 30th (and 29th for Feb) create and update post about your chosen goals. You know, to keep you up with progress. Don’t forget to add the post to the Linky that will be on Michelle’s or Laura’s blog.
  • Use the Hashtag #BookishResolutions to share your progress throughout the year.


My Resolutions:


Reading goals:

  • Read 10  books that I already own (as 1/1/16)
  • Keep my NetGalley to 80%
  • Finish Book Thief  by Markus Zusak
  • Read 2 books out- loud


Blogging goals:

  • Visit at least 10 different book blogs a month and and comment on them.
  • Always have at least 2 scheduled post all the time
  • Write at least 50 posts a year
  • Stalk  Follow more book obsessed people on Twitter and Instagram
  • Tidy up old posts and Media Gallery.

I am not setting up any personal goals because I am going to make a little to-do list for it :)

book tree love christmas

So, what do you think? Too ambitious? Too lazy? Just alright? Please let me know :)